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Friday, October 27, 2006
Getting The Most Out Of TrafficSwarm
Hello everyone from time to time I run across some advertising
techniques I feel may be helpful in help my members grow there
Rick Jorgenson is a senior member of Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits.
He as developed a working strategy for getting prospects with
Getting The Most Out Of TrafficSwarm TrafficSwarm can be aconsistent traffic generator for your PIF4P business if you useit right. I've recently run across a system that maximizes yourability to get visitors out of your TrafficSwarm advertising.I'm getting at least 1 sign up a day from TS and with new systemI expect to get even more.
Getting to Grips with TrafficSwarm
Before we get moving you need to familiarize yourself with howthe system works. This is all explained very clearly in 'GettingStarted' when you've logged-in to your TrafficSwarm account.Please spend 5 minutes reading this so that you know how it allworks. If you haven't signed up for TrafficSwarm yet click onthe link on my "Helpful Resources" section and do so.
Now let's get down to business: We're going to start by grabbing 4500 credits each month. In order to do this you need a DMO.What's a DMO? It stands for Daily Method of Operation. You needto spend just 20 minutes every day at your PC. That's all - 20minutes to build your business. Please don't say you're toobusy! Everyone can find 20 minutes to themselves each day. Ifyou want to grow your business it won't just happen - you haveto do something!
So...20 minutes first thing in the morning or last thing atnight or whatever. It's just a discipline. But it's a disciplinethat REALLY works.
Your first step is to download this excel file that will giveyou the tool you need to move forward.
Right click here and then select SAVE AS TARGET
Good. Now that you've done that open it up and have it on yourscreen. We'll be going back to it in a minute.
Open up your web browser which if you've followed your basicTrafficSwarm guidelines will open up at the TrafficSwarm page.If your web browser doesn't open up at the TrafficSwarm pagejust log-in to your account and click on 'Set Your Start Page'.
So...when you open up a new web browser window you will see 8adverts there. Click the blue heading of the first one. At thetop of the page it will then show in red how many credits you'veearned just by doing that. Write your credits into the tableunder Credit 1 (yellow column above) and against 'Click 1'.
Still with me? Excellent!
Click Next at the top of the TrafficSwarm page and now do itagain with the next advert. Insert your credits earned into thenext row (2) again in the yellow column above. Keep going downtill all 8 ads have been exposed and credits entered into yourtable. Now add the column up. My average total over 8 ads is 30credits. Don't worry if you don't have that many - I'll explainhow to increase that shortly. The main thing is that you recordyour credits so that you can see your progress.
OK! What next?
You're going to do this four more times so your table needsextending across so that you have in total FIVE of the abovetable going across. Your new column headings are going to beCredits 2, Credits 3, Credits 4, Credits 5. You wll also see 3more columns, Daily Total, Lottery, Monthly Total. More aboutthe additional 3 columns shortly.
Right that's the difficult bit over and done with!
It gets easier from here on in... All you need to do now iscomplete the day's activity. So just click on the ads, recordthe credits down 8 rows and move to the next column until all 5Credit columns are complete. When you've clicked through all 8ads that are showing close down the browser window and re-openit. This gives you another set of ads to work on. Opening a newbrowser window incidentally gives you another credit each timeyou do it. Complete all Credit Columns in this way. All youradding is done as you insert your credits and finaly gives yourDaily Total. That's your total credits earned for the day. Myaverage at 30 credits per column gives me an average of 150credits every day. Do this each day and total up for the month.It should give you around 4,500 credits each month.'ve now earned your credits and recorded them for futurereference.
TrafficSwarm Credit Lottery Now - if you've been following meyou'll see an extra column headed Lottery.
When you log into your TrafficSwarm account you'll see a box topleft - Credit Lottery. Each day you will be entering this littlelottery with a chance to win up to 10,000 credits or more. (Thisis pure bonus and does not form part of the 10,000 credits youwill EARN).
So...we're now going to click through 8 more ads to complete theLottery column and enter the total at the bottom. Whatever thattotal is we are going to enter the TrafficSwarm Credit Lotterywith that amount. Just click on the Credit Lottery link on yourTrafficSwarm page and enter that amount. Every day. Withoutfail. Just to reiterate; the Lottery column is not part of ourDaily Total of credits. They're being used purely as a Lotteryentry.
The Credits lottery is drawn daily and you never know you mayfind yourself a lucky winner of around 10,000 credits! It couldeven happen 2 or if you're really lucky 3 times in a month! Whoknows! Pure bonus!
That's it! That's your DMO. Your Daily Method of Operation.Every day - without fail. If there are occasions when you simplyhave to miss a day you'll need to work for 40 minutes the nextday to catch up. Don't get behind on this. Work diligently andwith absolute discipline and it will pay off - big time.
Each day should produce around 150 credits and over 30 days thatshould give you 4500! Make sure and have at least 3 ads thatyou're running. You can get ideas for your ads in the SuccessGuide. That's it. It's that simple. Do this every day and yourtraffic and signups will skyrocket.
posted by Rick Jorgenson
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Email Marketing: Still an Effective Internet Marketing Technique?
I found This Article By Mark Williams on email marketing, and found
it to be very informative, Enjoy!
Email Marketing: Still an Effective Internet Marketing Technique?
Email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of low-cost
Internet marketing. It is one of the most widely-used internet marketing
techniques and has an excellent reputation for capturing targeted prospects
to your web site.
Using email as an internet marketing technique is virtually free! The only
cost that can arise is the cost of an auto responder, some of them are free
but I would not recommend them. Other than purchasing an auto responder
your email marketing expenses are nil. That is why this internet marketing technique is one of the most viable on the internet.
The key is building a permission based list of email addresses that you can market to. When I refer to market I don't mean sending them emails everyday asking them to send money. What I do mean is having an email marketing plan that builds a trusting relationship with your list so you can provide high quality and informative information to them.
With the increasing success of niche marketing on the internet email marketing still is an effective internet marketing technique. Niche marketing allows small, home based, entrepreneurs the opportunity to compete against the big boys! Find your niche, build your list, and be on the way to success. I am about to show you a way to drive your email marketing campaign into overdrive and create a never ending supply of cash with one press of a button.
1. Do Not Spam!!!.
Email marketing is not about spamming. It is about providing information to people that have requested you to send it to them. The information you send to them must be valuable to their interests.
2. It Starts with a Powerful Subject Line.
If you can't get them to open it then your success rate will be zilch. The trust factor comes back into play here. When your name or company name appears in the subject line and you are recognized as sending them quality information your emails are more likely to get opened. Other effective tips to use include: using extra white space creatively, adding text symbols, starting each word with a capital letter, and ask questions. DO NOT make any outlandish or unbelievable claims, that just tends to turn people off and they think you are a scam artist.
3. Use the Power of Information and Your Subscriber's Own Interests to Make the Sale.
You do not want to come off sounding like you are trying to sell them something. People want information so they can make informed decisions. By giving them information on topics they are interested in they are more likely to purchase from you at some point in time. Be genuine and have their interests at heart, believe me that this type of marketing will pay greater dividends in the long run.
4. Content is the Difference!
The content of the body of your email is critical to your success. Don't make it too long and keep the fluff out by being concise. Tell them the information, describe the benefits of the product or service and let them decide. When you set up your email marketing campaign, remember that not every email you send has to have a potential sale in it. In fact it is best if it doesn't because people get tired of being hassled and asked to spend money. Send them emails that include interesting articles about their interests, or simply a link referring them to a web site that they may like. The best way to reach out to your subscribers is to send them useful information. By doing this you will build trust and they will view you as a partner in their success.
Compiling a list of subscribers and sending them quality information is a very effective internet marketing technique. Remember to keep the information simple, the message honest, and build their trust with great content. Follow this easy outline and your email marketing campaign will produce a bountiful harvest.
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Email marketing is a proven Internet Marketing Technique and is a great way to enhance your internet marketing efforts. Mark Williams has other terrific tips and Internet Marketing Strategies to help your marketing efforts.
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Sunday, October 08, 2006
Defining Pay Per Click Advertising.
Copyright © James Taylor
There are numerous marketing techniques on the Internet today for example: Google Adwords, Forums, Signature files, email advertising and Pay Per Click advertising.
Pay Per Click advertising has is one of the more popular techniques of the past 10 years.
So what question would one have about PPC Advertising? Well one question would be. What is Pay Per Click? Pay Per Click Advertising also known as (PPC) is one of many techniques use by Internet Marketers to drive traffic to their web sites.
Where do we use Pay Per Click advertising?
Marketers use Pay Per Click advertising for advertising networks, search engines and websites. Pay Per Click advertisements are mostly text ads that are located near search result in a strategic fashion.
Why do we use Pay Per Click Advertising?
When someone visits the site and clicks on the ad, the advertiser is charged a certain amount of money. In turn the advertising company’s revenue increases when the number of clicks increase. Pay Per Click is a Very effective technique that ‘s easy to use. Advertisers want their advertisements seen by people, so they offer them money to visit their websites and click on certain ads, generating income for that advertising company with search Engines. So now the big question is:
So now the big question is:
How much does Pay Per Click advertising cost?
Well it depends on what search engine you use. For smaller search engines the cost is around $0.01 per click. For bigger search engines the cost is normally about $0.05 to $.10 per click.
Keyword Search engines are a big part of Pay Per Click Advertising.
When clients search a certain word or phrase, a list of advertisements links appear
When ever that advertisement link is clicked on the visitor count for that advertisement
is increased creating revenue for that for advertising company. There are other 2 other classifications for search engines, they Product and Service engines. The 2 major players in the Pay Per Click arena are Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Engine.
Overture is the world's leading provider of Pay-For-Performance search on the Internet and reaches more than 80% of active Internet users. When you advertise in Overture Premium Listings(TM), your business appears in the top U.S. search sites such as:
MSN, Yahoo, InfoSpace, Lycos, AltaVista, Google, Ask Jeevs and Netscape. Pay Per Click continues to be one of the best advertising techniques on the Internet today.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Getting The Most Out Of Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits
This Blog was started because I want to help the new members of Pay-It-Forward
get started. Information is power and the key tosuccess in Internet marketing, MLM
and any other business your promoting. Joel and Paul do a excellent job providing that
They have laid out everything you need to know on the Pay-It-Forward websites,
The Live training calls, and the recorded training all in the members area.
There are 3 steps you should be taking to grow your business.
1. Listen to The Funded Sponsoring Franchise Crash Course.
2. Activate your Affiliate Programs (GDI), ResponseMagic,Traffic Oasis
and Traffic Swarm.
If you are not signed forthese programs you can sign up through your members area by clicking on the Upload Affiliate Link section.
3. Following your Internet Marketing Success Guide.
Login to your back office and go through The Getting Started Checklist.
You should be promoting your:, and websites. The difference between the 3 sites are as follows.
Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits:
designed for the more experienced Internet,MLM/affiliatemarketers
These marketers with an existing business they are promoting.
designed for Advanced BusinessOpportunity Seekers,
with the highest signup rate for all the programs.
designed for Beginning BusinessOpportunity Seekers,
with the highest signup rate for GDI.
Have you taken the International Millionaires Club seminars yet?
If not you should. These seminars changed my life and will help you too!
I'm sure you'll recognize that Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits is the real deal.
Listen, if there is anything I can do to help you understand Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits
and how to make it work for you, please don't hesitate to contact me right away.
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and you are not a member of Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits, You Should Be!
For experienced Internet,MLM/affiliate marketers: Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits
Beginning Business Opportunity Seekers, Have a Look at: 3StepSecret