Sunday, November 05, 2006

Duplication is The Key To A Successful Home Based Business

Duplication is The Key To A Successful Home Based Business
Copyright © James Taylor
Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits

What is Duplication?

By definition Duplication means to copy, orrepetition, doing the something over and over again. To besuccessful in your home business you need to practice thestrategy of Duplication. It’s a known fact that 90 to 95% of peoplewho start a home business fail and only 5 to 10% of the peopleare successful. Why is that? Well one reason is they try to besalesman. Don’t get me wrong if you are a super salesman andable to build huge downlines, that’s great. But if all thosepeople in your downline are not as good of a salesman as youare, what happens to your business? I’ll tell you what happens,your business stalls and then you have to bring in more and morepeople which means more work for you and less time doing other things that makes your life worth while. There is no Duplication in your business, in other words you must teach people to do the samethings that brought you that growth and success.

Why do we need Duplication?

There are four reasons why Duplication is important, For example what if you used a system that taught allthose people in your downlines to do exactly what you did? Wellthat’s Duplication, with everyone copying what you did to buildyour downline, what happens?

1. Your business grows faster at an accelerated rate.
2. The people in your downline will begin to see growth their business.
3. You don’t have to work as hard to build your business.
4. You are paying it forward by helping others achieve their dreams of wealth and happiness.

Who uses a duplication system?

There are several companies out there that use some sort ofduplication, for this article we will talk about one company. Has everyone heard of McDonalds? Of course you have, who hasn’t?Let me explain, when you go into McDonalds the order is usually a $.99burger, a Quarter Pounder or a Big Mac. Think about it theseburger patties cost pennies because of bulk orders. People comefor the burger. But that’s not what makes McDonalds the money, theburgers get you in the door, but when you get fries with thatburger and of course you need something to drink a pop or a milkshake and how about a hot apple pie. You see those extra itemsare what make the money. And McDonalds has been using that model sense they open, that’s what makes them successful. Now as you know McDonald’s licenses there business models in the form of franchises, and the McDonalds franchise owners follow thisbusiness model to the letter. What I mean is a McDonalds in Chicago is the same as a McDonald’s in Los Angeles. A McDonalds in Miami is the same as a McDonalds in Canada, get the picture that my friends isDuplication. Every owner in every City, State and every countryduplicates the McDonalds business model. Businesses that followthe same or similar business models are the ones that aresuccessful. A business with a strong business plan that incorporatesduplication are the ones that have the most success. Being asuper salesman is great, but if your system is not duplicateable your success is limited.

About the Author:
James M. Taylor Chicago, IL.
7 Years Internet Marketing, 10 Years Computer Engineering
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Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits